الاثنين، 27 نوفمبر 2017

شركة الحفر المصرية تطلب إخصائى مخازن

Inventory Specialist is needed with below job tasks

 • Issue necessary W/H document & numbering them to cover rig’s demand & avoid missing any of them.
• Replenish for some groups of stock items & part of consignment agreement according to rigs annual consumption to ensure items availability when needed.
• Maintain records of all stock control documents specially materials orders , ensure that such documents are filed properly and notify rigs about actions which had been taken regarding them, to be reference for monthly reports.
• Arranging overhaul spare parts when requested & check with drilling work shop team for overhaul plan to organize overhauling processes.
• Held rig visits to ensure that job responsibilities of materials man in correct procedures to handle their requirement from Cairo W/H.
• Instruct rigs to transfer spare parts to other rigs for urgent cases to avoid down time & turn over inventory.
Please send your CVs on Vacancies@egyptian-drilling.com mentioning job

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